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Finfish and Shellfish Products
Crustaceans, crab, alaska king, cooked, moist heat
Crustaceans, crab, alaska king, imitation, made from surimi
Crustaceans, crab, alaska king, raw
Crustaceans, crab, blue, canned
Crustaceans, crab, blue, cooked, moist heat
Crustaceans, crab, blue, crab cakes
Crustaceans, crab, blue, raw
Crustaceans, crab, dungeness, cooked, moist heat
Crustaceans, crab, dungeness, raw
Crustaceans, crab, queen, cooked, moist heat
Crustaceans, crab, queen, raw
Crustaceans, crayfish, mixed species, farmed, cooked, moist heat
Crustaceans, crayfish, mixed species, farmed, raw
Crustaceans, crayfish, mixed species, wild, cooked, moist heat
Crustaceans, crayfish, mixed species, wild, raw
Crustaceans, lobster, northern, cooked, moist heat
Crustaceans, lobster, northern, raw
Crustaceans, shrimp, mixed species, canned
Crustaceans, shrimp, mixed species, cooked, breaded and fried
Crustaceans, shrimp, mixed species, cooked, moist heat
Crustaceans, shrimp, mixed species, imitation, made from surimi
Crustaceans, shrimp, mixed species, raw
Crustaceans, spiny lobster, mixed species, cooked, moist heat
Crustaceans, spiny lobster, mixed species, raw
Fish, anchovy, european, canned in oil, drained solids
Fish, anchovy, european, raw
Fish, bass, fresh water, mixed species, raw
Fish, bass, freshwater, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, bass, striped, cooked, dry heat
Fish, bass, striped, raw
Fish, bluefish, cooked, dry heat
Fish, bluefish, raw
Fish, burbot, cooked, dry heat
Fish, burbot, raw
Fish, butterfish, cooked, dry heat
Fish, butterfish, raw
Fish, carp, cooked, dry heat
Fish, carp, raw
Fish, catfish, channel, cooked, breaded and fried
Fish, catfish, channel, farmed, cooked, dry heat
Fish, catfish, channel, farmed, raw
Fish, catfish, channel, wild, cooked, dry heat
Fish, catfish, channel, wild, raw
Fish, caviar, black and red, granular
Fish, cisco, raw
Fish, cisco, smoked
Fish, cod, Atlantic, canned, solids and liquid
Fish, cod, Atlantic, cooked, dry heat
Fish, cod, Atlantic, dried and salted
Fish, cod, Atlantic, raw
Fish, cod, Pacific, cooked, dry heat
Fish, cod, Pacific, raw
Fish, croaker, Atlantic, cooked, breaded and fried
Fish, croaker, Atlantic, raw
Fish, cusk, cooked, dry heat
Fish, cusk, raw
Fish, dolphinfish, cooked, dry heat
Fish, dolphinfish, raw
Fish, drum, freshwater, cooked, dry heat
Fish, drum, freshwater, raw
Fish, eel, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, eel, mixed species, raw
Fish, fish portions and sticks, frozen, preheated
Fish, flatfish (flounder and sole species), cooked, dry heat
Fish, flatfish (flounder and sole species), raw
Fish, gefiltefish, commercial, sweet recipe
Fish, grouper, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, grouper, mixed species, raw
Fish, haddock, cooked, dry heat
Fish, haddock, raw
Fish, haddock, smoked
Fish, halibut, Atlantic and Pacific, cooked, dry heat
Fish, halibut, Atlantic and Pacific, raw
Fish, halibut, greenland, cooked, dry heat
Fish, halibut, Greenland, raw
Fish, herring, Atlantic, cooked, dry heat
Fish, herring, Atlantic, kippered
Fish, herring, Atlantic, pickled
Fish, herring, Atlantic, raw
Fish, herring, Pacific, cooked, dry heat
Fish, herring, Pacific, raw
Fish, ling, cooked, dry heat
Fish, ling, raw
Fish, lingcod, cooked, dry heat
Fish, lingcod, raw
Fish, mackerel, Atlantic, cooked, dry heat
Fish, mackerel, Atlantic, raw
Fish, mackerel, jack, canned, drained solids
Fish, mackerel, king, cooked, dry heat
Fish, mackerel, king, raw
Fish, mackerel, Pacific and jack, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, mackerel, Pacific and jack, mixed species, raw
Fish, mackerel, salted
Fish, mackerel, spanish, cooked, dry heat
Fish, mackerel, spanish, raw
Fish, milkfish, cooked, dry heat
Fish, milkfish, raw
Fish, monkfish, cooked, dry heat
Fish, monkfish, raw
Fish, mullet, striped, cooked, dry heat
Fish, mullet, striped, raw
Fish, ocean perch, Atlantic, cooked, dry heat
Fish, ocean perch, Atlantic, raw
Fish, perch, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, perch, mixed species, raw
Fish, pike, northern, cooked, dry heat
Fish, pike, northern, raw
Fish, pike, walleye, cooked, dry heat
Fish, pike, walleye, raw
Fish, pollock, Atlantic, cooked, dry heat
Fish, pollock, Atlantic, raw
Fish, pollock, walleye, cooked, dry heat
Fish, pollock, walleye, raw
Fish, pompano, florida, cooked, dry heat
Fish, pompano, florida, raw
Fish, pout, ocean, cooked, dry heat
Fish, pout, ocean, raw
Fish, rockfish, Pacific, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, rockfish, Pacific, mixed species, raw
Fish, roe, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, roe, mixed species, raw
Fish, roughy, orange, cooked, dry heat
Fish, roughy, orange, raw
Fish, sablefish, cooked, dry heat
Fish, sablefish, raw
Fish, sablefish, smoked
Fish, salmon, Atlantic, farmed, cooked, dry heat
Fish, salmon, Atlantic, farmed, raw
Fish, salmon, Atlantic, wild, cooked, dry heat
Fish, salmon, Atlantic, wild, raw
Fish, salmon, chinook, cooked, dry heat
Fish, salmon, chinook, raw
Fish, salmon, chinook, smoked
Fish, salmon, chinook, smoked, (lox), regular
Fish, salmon, chum, canned, without salt, drained solids with bone
Fish, salmon, chum, cooked, dry heat
Fish, salmon, chum, drained solids with bone
Fish, salmon, chum, raw
Fish, salmon, coho, farmed, cooked, dry heat
Fish, salmon, coho, farmed, raw
Fish, salmon, coho, wild, cooked, dry heat
Fish, salmon, coho, wild, cooked, moist heat
Fish, salmon, coho, wild, raw
Fish, salmon, pink, canned, drained solids with bone
Fish, salmon, pink, canned, solids with bone and liquid
Fish, salmon, pink, canned, without salt, solids with bone and liquid
Fish, salmon, pink, cooked, dry heat
Fish, salmon, pink, raw
Fish, salmon, sockeye, canned, drained solids with bone
Fish, salmon, sockeye, canned, without salt, drained solids with bone
Fish, salmon, sockeye, cooked, dry heat
Fish, salmon, sockeye, raw
Fish, sardine, Atlantic, canned in oil, drained solids with bone
Fish, sardine, Pacific, canned in tomato sauce, drained solids with bone
Fish, scup, cooked, dry heat
Fish, scup, raw
Fish, sea bass, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, sea bass, mixed species, raw
Fish, seatrout, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, seatrout, mixed species, raw
Fish, shad, american, cooked, dry heat
Fish, shad, american, raw
Fish, shark, mixed species, cooked, batter-dipped and fried
Fish, shark, mixed species, raw
Fish, sheepshead, cooked, dry heat
Fish, sheepshead, raw
Fish, smelt, rainbow, cooked, dry heat
Fish, smelt, rainbow, raw
Fish, snapper, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, snapper, mixed species, raw
Fish, spot, cooked, dry heat
Fish, spot, raw
Fish, sturgeon, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, sturgeon, mixed species, raw
Fish, sturgeon, mixed species, smoked
Fish, sucker, white, cooked, dry heat
Fish, sucker, white, raw
Fish, sunfish, pumpkin seed, cooked, dry heat
Fish, sunfish, pumpkin seed, raw
Fish, surimi
Fish, swordfish, cooked, dry heat
Fish, swordfish, raw
Fish, tilapia, cooked, dry heat
Fish, tilapia, raw
Fish, tilefish, cooked, dry heat
Fish, tilefish, raw
Fish, trout, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, trout, mixed species, raw
Fish, trout, rainbow, farmed, cooked, dry heat
Fish, trout, rainbow, farmed, raw
Fish, trout, rainbow, wild, cooked, dry heat
Fish, trout, rainbow, wild, raw
Fish, tuna salad
Fish, tuna, fresh, bluefin, cooked, dry heat
Fish, tuna, fresh, bluefin, raw
Fish, tuna, fresh, skipjack, raw
Fish, tuna, fresh, yellowfin, raw
Fish, tuna, light, canned in oil, drained solids
Fish, tuna, light, canned in oil, without salt, drained solids
Fish, tuna, light, canned in water, drained solids
Fish, tuna, light, canned in water, without salt, drained solids
Fish, tuna, skipjack, fresh, cooked, dry heat
Fish, tuna, white, canned in oil, drained solids
Fish, tuna, white, canned in oil, without salt, drained solids
Fish, tuna, white, canned in water, drained solids
Fish, tuna, white, canned in water, without salt, drained solids
Fish, tuna, yellowfin, fresh, cooked, dry heat
Fish, turbot, european, cooked, dry heat
Fish, turbot, european, raw
Fish, whitefish, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, whitefish, mixed species, raw
Fish, whitefish, mixed species, smoked
Fish, whiting, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, whiting, mixed species, raw
Fish, wolffish, Atlantic, cooked, dry heat
Fish, wolffish, Atlantic, raw
Fish, yellowtail, mixed species, cooked, dry heat
Fish, yellowtail, mixed species, raw
Frog legs, raw
Jellyfish, dried, salted
Mollusks, abalone, mixed species, cooked, fried
Mollusks, abalone, mixed species, raw
Mollusks, clam, mixed species, canned, drained solids
Mollusks, clam, mixed species, canned, liquid
Mollusks, clam, mixed species, cooked, breaded and fried
Mollusks, clam, mixed species, cooked, moist heat
Mollusks, clam, mixed species, raw
Mollusks, conch, baked or broiled
Mollusks, cuttlefish, mixed species, cooked, moist heat
Mollusks, cuttlefish, mixed species, raw
Mollusks, mussel, blue, cooked, moist heat
Mollusks, mussel, blue, raw
Mollusks, octopus, common, cooked, moist heat
Mollusks, octopus, common, raw
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, canned
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, cooked, breaded and fried
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, farmed, cooked, dry heat
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, farmed, raw
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, wild, cooked, dry heat
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, wild, cooked, moist heat
Mollusks, oyster, eastern, wild, raw
Mollusks, oyster, Pacific, cooked, moist heat
Mollusks, oyster, Pacific, raw
Mollusks, scallop, (bay and sea), cooked, steamed
Mollusks, scallop, mixed species, cooked, breaded and fried
Mollusks, scallop, mixed species, imitation, made from surimi
Mollusks, scallop, mixed species, raw
Mollusks, snail, raw
Mollusks, squid, mixed species, cooked, fried
Mollusks, squid, mixed species, raw
Mollusks, whelk, unspecified, cooked, moist heat
Mollusks, whelk, unspecified, raw
Turtle, green, raw
USDA Commodity, salmon nuggets, breaded, frozen, heated
USDA Commodity, salmon nuggets, cooked as purchased, unheated
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